Making a Quantum Universe: Symmetry and Gravity
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- Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2021 11:09:23 GMT
- Title: Making a Quantum Universe: Symmetry and Gravity
- Authors: Houri Ziaeepour
- Abstract summary: We outline the preliminary results for a model of quantum universe.
We show that, in the absence of a background spacetime, this Universe is trivial and static.
We identify the classical spacetime with parameter space of the Hilbert space of the Universe.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: So far, none of attempts to quantize gravity has led to a satisfactory model
that not only describe gravity in the realm of a quantum world, but also its
relation to elementary particles and other fundamental forces. Here, we outline
the preliminary results for a model of quantum universe, in which gravity is
fundamentally and by construction quantic. The model is based on three well
motivated assumptions with compelling observational and theoretical evidence:
quantum mechanics is valid at all scales; quantum systems are described by
their symmetries; universe has infinite independent degrees of freedom. The
last assumption means that the Hilbert space of the Universe has
$SU(N\rightarrow \infty) \cong \text{area preserving Diff.} (S_2)$ symmetry,
which is parameterized by two angular variables. We show that, in the absence
of a background spacetime, this Universe is trivial and static. Nonetheless,
quantum fluctuations break the symmetry and divide the Universe to subsystems.
When a subsystem is singled out as reference -- observer -- and another as
clock, two more continuous parameters arise, which can be interpreted as
distance and time. We identify the classical spacetime with parameter space of
the Hilbert space of the Universe. Therefore, its quantization is meaningless.
In this view, the Einstein equation presents the projection of quantum dynamics
in the Hilbert space into its parameter space. Finite dimensional symmetries of
elementary particles emerge as a consequence of symmetry breaking when the
Universe is divided to subsystems/particles, without having any implication for
the infinite dimensional symmetry and its associated interaction - perceived as
gravity. This explains why gravity is a universal force.
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