論文の概要: Disordered complex networks: energy optimal lattices and persistent
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.08811v2
- Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2022 15:28:15 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-10-19 03:22:41.655444
- Title: Disordered complex networks: energy optimal lattices and persistent
- Title(参考訳): 障害のある複素ネットワーク:エネルギー最適格子と永続ホモロジー
- Authors: Subhro Ghosh, Naoto Miyoshi, Tomoyuki Shirai
- Abstract要約: Poissonポイントプロセスモデルに基づくよく知られたネットワークは、vis-a-visネットワーク効率に制限がある。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 1.3342402609717876
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Disordered complex networks are of fundamental interest as stochastic models
for information transmission over wireless networks. Well-known networks based
on the Poisson point process model have limitations vis-a-vis network
efficiency, whereas strongly correlated alternatives, such as those based on
random matrix spectra (RMT), have tractability and robustness issues. In this
work, we demonstrate that network models based on random perturbations of
Euclidean lattices interpolate between Poisson and rigidly structured networks,
and allow us to achieve the best of both worlds : significantly improve upon
the Poisson model in terms of network efficacy measured by the Signal to
Interference plus Noise Ratio (abbrv. SINR) and the related concept of coverage
probabilities, at the same time retaining a considerable measure of
mathematical and computational simplicity and robustness to erasure and noise.
We investigate the optimal choice of the base lattice in this model,
connecting it to the celebrated problem optimality of Euclidean lattices with
respect to the Epstein Zeta function, which is in turn related to notions of
lattice energy. This leads us to the choice of the triangular lattice in 2D and
face centered cubic lattice in 3D. We demonstrate that the coverage probability
decreases with increasing strength of perturbation, eventually converging to
that of the Poisson network. In the regime of low disorder, we approximately
characterize the statistical law of the coverage function.
In 2D, we determine the disorder strength at which the PTL and the RMT
networks are the closest measured by comparing their network topologies via a
comparison of their Persistence Diagrams . We demonstrate that the PTL network
at this disorder strength can be taken to be an effective substitute for the
RMT network model, while at the same time offering the advantages of greater
- Abstract(参考訳): 不規則な複雑なネットワークは、無線ネットワーク上の情報伝達の確率モデルとして、基本的な関心事である。
poisson point プロセスモデルに基づくよく知られたネットワークは vis-a-vis のネットワーク効率に限界があるが、ランダム行列スペクトル(rmt)に基づくネットワークのような強相関な代替手段は扱いやすさと頑健性に問題がある。
In this work, we demonstrate that network models based on random perturbations of Euclidean lattices interpolate between Poisson and rigidly structured networks, and allow us to achieve the best of both worlds : significantly improve upon the Poisson model in terms of network efficacy measured by the Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (abbrv. SINR) and the related concept of coverage probabilities, at the same time retaining a considerable measure of mathematical and computational simplicity and robustness to erasure and noise.
このモデルにおける基底格子の最適選択について検討し、Epstein Zeta関数に関してユークリッド格子の卓越した問題最適性に接続する。
我々は, この障害におけるptlネットワークを, rmtネットワークモデルの効果的な代替として捉えることができると同時に, 高いコントラクタビリティの利点も提供することを実証した。
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我々はLattice-Equivariant Neural Networks (LENNs)と呼ばれる新しい同変ニューラルネットワークのクラスを提案する。
我々の手法は、ニューラルネットワークに基づく代理モデルLattice Boltzmann衝突作用素の学習を目的とした、最近導入されたフレームワーク内で開発されている。
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