Machine Learning in Event-Triggered Control: Recent Advances and Open
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- Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2022 06:41:35 GMT
- Title: Machine Learning in Event-Triggered Control: Recent Advances and Open
- Authors: Leila Sedghi, Zohaib Ijaz, Md. Noor-A-Rahim, Kritchai Witheephanich,
Dirk Pesch
- Abstract summary: This article reviews the literature on the use of machine learning in combination with event-triggered control.
We discuss how these learning algorithms can be used for different applications depending on the purpose of the machine learning use.
- Score: 0.7699714865575188
- License:
- Abstract: Networked control systems have gained considerable attention over the last
decade as a result of the trend towards decentralised control applications and
the emergence of cyber-physical system applications. However, real-world
wireless networked control systems suffer from limited communication
bandwidths, reliability issues, and a lack of awareness of network dynamics due
to the complex nature of wireless networks. Combining machine learning and
event-triggered control has the potential to alleviate some of these issues.
For example, machine learning can be used to overcome the problem of a lack of
network models by learning system behavior or adapting to dynamically changing
models by continuously learning model dynamics. Event-triggered control can
help to conserve communication bandwidth by transmitting control information
only when necessary or when resources are available. The purpose of this
article is to conduct a review of the literature on the use of machine learning
in combination with event-triggered control. Machine learning techniques such
as statistical learning, neural networks, and reinforcement learning-based
approaches such as deep reinforcement learning are being investigated in
combination with event-triggered control. We discuss how these learning
algorithms can be used for different applications depending on the purpose of
the machine learning use. Following the review and discussion of the
literature, we highlight open research questions and challenges associated with
machine learning-based event-triggered control and suggest potential solutions.
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