Sim-to-Real Transfer in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotics: a
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- Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2021 09:00:05 GMT
- Title: Sim-to-Real Transfer in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotics: a
- Authors: Wenshuai Zhao, Jorge Pe\~na Queralta, Tomi Westerlund
- Abstract summary: We cover the background behind sim-to-real transfer in deep reinforcement learning.
We overview the main methods being utilized at the moment: domain randomization, domain adaptation, imitation learning, meta-learning and knowledge distillation.
- Score: 0.07366405857677225
- License:
- Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning has recently seen huge success across multiple
areas in the robotics domain. Owing to the limitations of gathering real-world
data, i.e., sample inefficiency and the cost of collecting it, simulation
environments are utilized for training the different agents. This not only aids
in providing a potentially infinite data source, but also alleviates safety
concerns with real robots. Nonetheless, the gap between the simulated and real
worlds degrades the performance of the policies once the models are transferred
into real robots. Multiple research efforts are therefore now being directed
towards closing this sim-to-real gap and accomplish more efficient policy
transfer. Recent years have seen the emergence of multiple methods applicable
to different domains, but there is a lack, to the best of our knowledge, of a
comprehensive review summarizing and putting into context the different
methods. In this survey paper, we cover the fundamental background behind
sim-to-real transfer in deep reinforcement learning and overview the main
methods being utilized at the moment: domain randomization, domain adaptation,
imitation learning, meta-learning and knowledge distillation. We categorize
some of the most relevant recent works, and outline the main application
scenarios. Finally, we discuss the main opportunities and challenges of the
different approaches and point to the most promising directions.
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