Low Dimensional State Representation Learning with Reward-shaped Priors
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.16044v2
- Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2021 16:48:37 GMT
- Title: Low Dimensional State Representation Learning with Reward-shaped Priors
- Authors: Nicol\`o Botteghi, Ruben Obbink, Daan Geijs, Mannes Poel, Beril
Sirmacek, Christoph Brune, Abeje Mersha and Stefano Stramigioli
- Abstract summary: We propose a method that aims at learning a mapping from the observations into a lower-dimensional state space.
This mapping is learned with unsupervised learning using loss functions shaped to incorporate prior knowledge of the environment and the task.
We test the method on several mobile robot navigation tasks in a simulation environment and also on a real robot.
- Score: 7.211095654886105
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Reinforcement Learning has been able to solve many complicated robotics tasks
without any need for feature engineering in an end-to-end fashion. However,
learning the optimal policy directly from the sensory inputs, i.e the
observations, often requires processing and storage of a huge amount of data.
In the context of robotics, the cost of data from real robotics hardware is
usually very high, thus solutions that achieve high sample-efficiency are
needed. We propose a method that aims at learning a mapping from the
observations into a lower-dimensional state space. This mapping is learned with
unsupervised learning using loss functions shaped to incorporate prior
knowledge of the environment and the task. Using the samples from the state
space, the optimal policy is quickly and efficiently learned. We test the
method on several mobile robot navigation tasks in a simulation environment and
also on a real robot.
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