Learning effective physical laws for generating cosmological
hydrodynamics with Lagrangian Deep Learning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.02926v1
- Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2020 18:00:00 GMT
- Title: Learning effective physical laws for generating cosmological
hydrodynamics with Lagrangian Deep Learning
- Authors: Biwei Dai and Uros Seljak
- Abstract summary: We propose Lagrangian Deep Learning to learn outputs of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations.
The model uses layers of Lagrangian displacements of particles describing the observables to learn the effective physical laws.
The total number of learned parameters is only of order 10, and they can be viewed as effective theory parameters.
- Score: 7.6146285961466
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The goal of generative models is to learn the intricate relations between the
data to create new simulated data, but current approaches fail in very high
dimensions. When the true data generating process is based on physical
processes these impose symmetries and constraints, and the generative model can
be created by learning an effective description of the underlying physics,
which enables scaling of the generative model to very high dimensions. In this
work we propose Lagrangian Deep Learning (LDL) for this purpose, applying it to
learn outputs of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. The model uses layers
of Lagrangian displacements of particles describing the observables to learn
the effective physical laws. The displacements are modeled as the gradient of
an effective potential, which explicitly satisfies the translational and
rotational invariance. The total number of learned parameters is only of order
10, and they can be viewed as effective theory parameters. We combine N-body
solver FastPM with LDL and apply them to a wide range of cosmological outputs,
from the dark matter to the stellar maps, gas density and temperature. The
computational cost of LDL is nearly four orders of magnitude lower than the
full hydrodynamical simulations, yet it outperforms it at the same resolution.
We achieve this with only of order 10 layers from the initial conditions to the
final output, in contrast to typical cosmological simulations with thousands of
time steps. This opens up the possibility of analyzing cosmological
observations entirely within this framework, without the need for large
dark-matter simulations.
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