A Self-Penalizing Objective Function for Scalable Interaction Detection
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2011.12215v2
- Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2020 00:14:34 GMT
- Title: A Self-Penalizing Objective Function for Scalable Interaction Detection
- Authors: Keli Liu and Feng Ruan
- Abstract summary: We tackle the problem of nonparametric variable selection with a computation on discovering interactions between variables.
The trick is to maximize parametrized nonparametric dependence measures which we call metric learning objectives.
- Score: 2.208242292882514
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We tackle the problem of nonparametric variable selection with a focus on
discovering interactions between variables. With $p$ variables there are
$O(p^s)$ possible order-$s$ interactions making exhaustive search infeasible.
It is nonetheless possible to identify the variables involved in interactions
with only linear computation cost, $O(p)$. The trick is to maximize a class of
parametrized nonparametric dependence measures which we call metric learning
objectives; the landscape of these nonconvex objective functions is sensitive
to interactions but the objectives themselves do not explicitly model
interactions. Three properties make metric learning objectives highly
(a) The stationary points of the objective are automatically sparse (i.e.
performs selection) -- no explicit $\ell_1$ penalization is needed.
(b) All stationary points of the objective exclude noise variables with high
(c) Guaranteed recovery of all signal variables without needing to reach the
objective's global maxima or special stationary points.
The second and third properties mean that all our theoretical results apply
in the practical case where one uses gradient ascent to maximize the metric
learning objective. While not all metric learning objectives enjoy good
statistical power, we design an objective based on $\ell_1$ kernels that does
exhibit favorable power: it recovers (i) main effects with $n \sim \log p$
samples, (ii) hierarchical interactions with $n \sim \log p$ samples and (iii)
order-$s$ pure interactions with $n \sim p^{2(s-1)}\log p$ samples.
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