Learning Disentangled Intent Representations for Zero-shot Intent
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2012.01721v1
- Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2020 06:41:09 GMT
- Title: Learning Disentangled Intent Representations for Zero-shot Intent
- Authors: Qingyi Si, Yuanxin Liu, Peng Fu, Jiangnan Li, Zheng Lin and Weiping
- Abstract summary: We propose a class-transductive framework that utilizes unseen class labels to learn Disentangled Representations (DIR)
Under this framework, we introduce a multi-task learning objective, which encourages the model to learn the distinctions among intents.
Experiments on two real-world datasets show that the proposed framework brings consistent improvement to the baseline systems.
- Score: 13.19024497857648
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Zero-shot intent detection (ZSID) aims to deal with the continuously emerging
intents without annotated training data. However, existing ZSID systems suffer
from two limitations: 1) They are not good at modeling the relationship between
seen and unseen intents, when the label names are given in the form of raw
phrases or sentences. 2) They cannot effectively recognize unseen intents under
the generalized intent detection (GZSID) setting. A critical factor behind
these limitations is the representations of unseen intents, which cannot be
learned in the training stage. To address this problem, we propose a
class-transductive framework that utilizes unseen class labels to learn
Disentangled Intent Representations (DIR). Specifically, we allow the model to
predict unseen intents in the training stage, with the corresponding label
names serving as input utterances. Under this framework, we introduce a
multi-task learning objective, which encourages the model to learn the
distinctions among intents, and a similarity scorer, which estimates the
connections among intents more accurately based on the learned intent
representations. Since the purpose of DIR is to provide better intent
representations, it can be easily integrated with existing ZSID and GZSID
methods. Experiments on two real-world datasets show that the proposed
framework brings consistent improvement to the baseline systems, regardless of
the model architectures or zero-shot learning strategies.
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