論文の概要: Quantum Advantage with Shallow Circuits Under Arbitrary Corruption
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2105.00603v3
- Date: Thu, 12 May 2022 14:04:50 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-04-01 18:02:47.877371
- Title: Quantum Advantage with Shallow Circuits Under Arbitrary Corruption
- Title(参考訳): 任意破壊下における浅回路の量子アドバンテージ
- Authors: Atsuya Hasegawa and Fran\c{c}ois Le Gall
- Abstract要約: 近年の研究では、量子回路と古典回路の計算能力の分離が示されている。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Recent works by Bravyi, Gosset and K\"onig (Science 2018), Bene Watts et al.
(STOC 2019), Coudron, Stark and Vidick (QIP 2019) and Le Gall (CCC 2019) have
shown unconditional separations between the computational powers of shallow
(i.e., small-depth) quantum and classical circuits: quantum circuits can solve
in constant depth computational problems that require logarithmic depth to
solve with classical circuits. Using quantum error correction, Bravyi, Gosset,
K\"onig and Tomamichel (Nature Physics 2020) further proved that a similar
separation still persists even if quantum circuits are subject to local
stochastic noise.
In this paper, we consider the case where any constant fraction of the qubits
(for instance, huge blocks of qubits) may be arbitrarily corrupted at the end
of the computation. We make a first step forward towards establishing a quantum
advantage even in this extremely challenging setting: we show that there exists
a computational problem that can be solved in constant depth by a quantum
circuit but such that even solving any large subproblem of this problem
requires logarithmic depth with bounded fan-in classical circuits. This gives
another compelling evidence of the computational power of quantum shallow
In order to show our result, we consider the Graph State Sampling problem
(which was also used in prior works) on expander graphs. We exploit the
"robustness" of expander graphs against vertex corruption to show that a
subproblem hard for small-depth classical circuits can still be extracted from
the output of the corrupted quantum circuit.
- Abstract(参考訳): bravyi, gosset, k\"onig (science 2018), bene watts et al. (stoc 2019), coudron, stark and vidick (qip 2019) および le gall (ccc 2019) による最近の研究では、浅い(すなわち、小さな深さの)量子回路と古典回路の計算能力の無条件分離が示されている。
Using quantum error correction, Bravyi, Gosset, K\"onig and Tomamichel (Nature Physics 2020) further proved that a similar separation still persists even if quantum circuits are subject to local stochastic noise. In this paper, we consider the case where any constant fraction of the qubits (for instance, huge blocks of qubits) may be arbitrarily corrupted at the end of the computation. We make a first step forward towards establishing a quantum advantage even in this extremely challenging setting: we show that there exists a computational problem that can be solved in constant depth by a quantum circuit but such that even solving any large subproblem of this problem requires logarithmic depth with bounded fan-in classical circuits. This gives another compelling evidence of the computational power of quantum shallow circuits. In order to show our result, we consider the Graph State Sampling problem (which was also used in prior works) on expander graphs. We exploit the "robustness" of expander graphs against vertex corruption to show that a subproblem hard for small-depth classical circuits can still be extracted from the output of the corrupted quantum circuit.
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