論文の概要: An Interpretable Approach to Automated Severity Scoring in Pelvic Trauma
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2105.10238v1
- Date: Fri, 21 May 2021 09:52:33 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2021-05-25 03:31:11.894151
- Title: An Interpretable Approach to Automated Severity Scoring in Pelvic Trauma
- Title(参考訳): 骨盤外傷の重症度自動評価に対する解釈的アプローチ
- Authors: Anna Zapaishchykova, David Dreizin, Zhaoshuo Li, Jie Ying Wu, Shahrooz
Faghih Roohi, Mathias Unberath
- Abstract要約: 骨盤輪の破壊は鈍的外傷機構によって引き起こされ、多系統外傷患者にしばしば見られる。
全身CTによる骨盤骨折の重症度評価にはTile AO/OTA分類が多用されている。
本稿では, 骨盤外傷の自動診断支援システムについて紹介する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 3.762671763237911
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
- Abstract: Pelvic ring disruptions result from blunt injury mechanisms and are often
found in patients with multi-system trauma. To grade pelvic fracture severity
in trauma victims based on whole-body CT, the Tile AO/OTA classification is
frequently used. Due to the high volume of whole-body trauma CTs generated in
busy trauma centers, an automated approach to Tile classification would provide
substantial value, e.,g., to prioritize the reading queue of the attending
trauma radiologist. In such scenario, an automated method should perform
grading based on a transparent process and based on interpretable features to
enable interaction with human readers and lower their workload by offering
insights from a first automated read of the scan. This paper introduces an
automated yet interpretable pelvic trauma decision support system to assist
radiologists in fracture detection and Tile grade classification. The method
operates similarly to human interpretation of CT scans and first detects
distinct pelvic fractures on CT with high specificity using a Faster-RCNN model
that are then interpreted using a structural causal model based on clinical
best practices to infer an initial Tile grade. The Bayesian causal model and
finally, the object detector are then queried for likely co-occurring fractures
that may have been rejected initially due to the highly specific operating
point of the detector, resulting in an updated list of detected fractures and
corresponding final Tile grade. Our method is transparent in that it provides
finding location and type using the object detector, as well as information on
important counterfactuals that would invalidate the system's recommendation and
achieves an AUC of 83.3%/85.1% for translational/rotational instability.
Despite being designed for human-machine teaming, our approach does not
compromise on performance compared to previous black-box approaches.
- Abstract(参考訳): 骨盤輪の破壊は鈍的外傷機構によって引き起こされ、多系統外傷患者にしばしば見られる。
全身CTによる骨盤骨折の重症度評価にはTile AO/OTA分類が多用されている。
そこで本研究では, 骨盤外傷自動診断支援システムについて紹介する。
提案手法は, 物体検出器を用いて位置と型を見つけるとともに, システム推奨を無効にし, 翻訳・回転不安定に対して83.3%/85.1%のAUCを実現する重要な対策情報を提供する。
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