論文の概要: Hashing embeddings of optimal dimension, with applications to linear
least squares
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2105.11815v1
- Date: Tue, 25 May 2021 10:35:13 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2021-05-26 20:51:44.579560
- Title: Hashing embeddings of optimal dimension, with applications to linear
least squares
- Title(参考訳): 最適次元のハッシュ埋め込みと線形最小二乗への応用
- Authors: Coralia Cartis, Jan Fiala and Zhen Shao
- Abstract要約: スケッチの射影次元$m$で最適である$sgeq 1$のスケッチ行列に対して、サブスペース埋め込み特性を提示する。
これらの結果をLinear Least Squares (LLS) の特殊なケースに適用し,これらの問題に対する汎用ソフトウェアパッケージであるSki-LLSを開発する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 1.2891210250935143
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: The aim of this paper is two-fold: firstly, to present subspace embedding
properties for $s$-hashing sketching matrices, with $s\geq 1$, that are optimal
in the projection dimension $m$ of the sketch, namely, $m=\mathcal{O}(d)$,
where $d$ is the dimension of the subspace. A diverse set of results are
presented that address the case when the input matrix has sufficiently low
coherence (thus removing the $\log^2 d$ factor dependence in $m$, in the
low-coherence result of Bourgain et al (2015) at the expense of a smaller
coherence requirement); how this coherence changes with the number $s$ of
column nonzeros (allowing a scaling of $\sqrt{s}$ of the coherence bound), or
is reduced through suitable transformations (when considering hashed -- instead
of subsampled -- coherence reducing transformations such as randomised
Hadamard). Secondly, we apply these general hashing sketching results to the
special case of Linear Least Squares (LLS), and develop Ski-LLS, a generic
software package for these problems, that builds upon and improves the
Blendenpik solver on dense input and the (sequential) LSRN performance on
sparse problems. In addition to the hashing sketching improvements, we add
suitable linear algebra tools for rank-deficient and for sparse problems that
lead Ski-LLS to outperform not only sketching-based routines on randomly
generated input, but also state of the art direct solver SPQR and iterative
code HSL on certain subsets of the sparse Florida matrix collection; namely, on
least squares problems that are significantly overdetermined, or moderately
sparse, or difficult.
- Abstract(参考訳): 第一に、$s$-hashing スケッチ行列に対する部分空間埋め込み特性を$s\geq 1$ で提示することであり、これはスケッチの投影次元 $m$ において最適であり、すなわち $m=\mathcal{o}(d)$ であり、ここで $d$ は部分空間の次元である。
A diverse set of results are presented that address the case when the input matrix has sufficiently low coherence (thus removing the $\log^2 d$ factor dependence in $m$, in the low-coherence result of Bourgain et al (2015) at the expense of a smaller coherence requirement); how this coherence changes with the number $s$ of column nonzeros (allowing a scaling of $\sqrt{s}$ of the coherence bound), or is reduced through suitable transformations (when considering hashed -- instead of subsampled -- coherence reducing transformations such as randomised Hadamard).
第二に、これらの一般的なハッシュスケッチ結果をLinear Least Squares(LLS)の特殊なケースに適用し、これらの問題に対する汎用ソフトウェアパッケージであるSki-LLSを開発した。
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