Approximate Fixed-Points in Recurrent Neural Networks
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- Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2021 11:33:34 GMT
- Title: Approximate Fixed-Points in Recurrent Neural Networks
- Authors: Zhengxiong Wang and Anton Ragni
- Abstract summary: Recurrent neural networks are widely used in speech and language processing.
Due to dependency on the past, standard algorithms for training these models cannot be efficiently parallelised.
This paper shows that recurrent neural networks can be reformulated as fixed-points of non-linear equation systems.
- Score: 10.031004070657122
- License:
- Abstract: Recurrent neural networks are widely used in speech and language processing.
Due to dependency on the past, standard algorithms for training these models,
such as back-propagation through time (BPTT), cannot be efficiently
parallelised. Furthermore, applying these models to more complex structures
than sequences requires inference time approximations, which introduce
inconsistency between inference and training. This paper shows that recurrent
neural networks can be reformulated as fixed-points of non-linear equation
systems. These fixed-points can be computed using an iterative algorithm
exactly and in as many iterations as the length of any given sequence. Each
iteration of this algorithm adds one additional Markovian-like order of
dependencies such that upon termination all dependencies modelled by the
recurrent neural networks have been incorporated. Although exact fixed-points
inherit the same parallelization and inconsistency issues, this paper shows
that approximate fixed-points can be computed in parallel and used consistently
in training and inference including tasks such as lattice rescoring.
Experimental validation is performed in two tasks, Penn Tree Bank and
WikiText-2, and shows that approximate fixed-points yield competitive
prediction performance to recurrent neural networks trained using the BPTT
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