I Don't Need $\mathbf{u}$: Identifiable Non-Linear ICA Without Side
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2106.05238v1
- Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2021 17:22:08 GMT
- Title: I Don't Need $\mathbf{u}$: Identifiable Non-Linear ICA Without Side
- Authors: Matthew Willetts, Brooks Paige
- Abstract summary: We introduce a new approach for identifiable non-linear ICA models.
In particular, we focus on generative models which perform clustering in their latent space.
- Score: 13.936583337756883
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In this work we introduce a new approach for identifiable non-linear ICA
models. Recently there has been a renaissance in identifiability results in
deep generative models, not least for non-linear ICA. These prior works,
however, have assumed access to a sufficiently-informative auxiliary set of
observations, denoted $\mathbf{u}$. We show here how identifiability can be
obtained in the absence of this side-information, rendering possible
fully-unsupervised identifiable non-linear ICA. While previous theoretical
results have established the impossibility of identifiable non-linear ICA in
the presence of infinitely-flexible universal function approximators, here we
rely on the intrinsically-finite modelling capacity of any particular chosen
parameterisation of a deep generative model. In particular, we focus on
generative models which perform clustering in their latent space -- a model
structure which matches previous identifiable models, but with the learnt
clustering providing a synthetic form of auxiliary information. We evaluate our
proposals using VAEs, on synthetic and image datasets, and find that the
learned clusterings function effectively: deep generative models with latent
clusterings are empirically identifiable, to the same degree as models which
rely on side information.
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