Recovery algorithms for Clifford Hayden-Preskill problem
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- Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2022 02:54:08 GMT
- Title: Recovery algorithms for Clifford Hayden-Preskill problem
- Authors: Beni Yoshida
- Abstract summary: We present simple deterministic recovery algorithms for the Hayden-Preskill problem.
The recovery fidelity and the necessary feedback operation can be found by analyzing the operator growth.
These algorithms can also serve as a decoding strategy for entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: The Hayden-Preskill recovery problem has provided useful insights on physics
of quantum black holes as well as dynamics in quantum many-body systems from
the viewpoint of quantum error-correcting codes. While finding an efficient
universal information recovery procedure seems challenging, some interesting
classes of dynamical systems may admit efficient recovery algorithms. Here we
present simple deterministic recovery algorithms for the Hayden-Preskill
problem when its unitary dynamics is given by a Clifford operator. The
algorithms utilize generalized Bell measurements and apply feedback operations
based on the measurement result. The recovery fidelity and the necessary
feedback operation can be found by analyzing the operator growth. These
algorithms can also serve as a decoding strategy for entanglement-assisted
quantum error-correcting codes (EAQECCs). We also present a version of recovery
algorithms with local Pauli basis measurements, which can be viewed as a
many-body generalization of quantum teleportation with fault-tolerance. A
certain relation between out-of-time order correlation functions and discrete
Wigner functions is also discussed, which may be of independent interest.
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