How Self-Supervised Learning Can be Used for Fine-Grained Head Pose
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- Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2021 17:32:46 GMT
- Title: How Self-Supervised Learning Can be Used for Fine-Grained Head Pose
- Authors: Mahdi Pourmirzaei and Gholam Ali Montazer and Farzaneh Esmaili
- Abstract summary: We have tried to answer a question: How SSL can be used for Head Pose estimation?
modified versions of jigsaw puzzling and rotation as SSL pre-text tasks are used.
The error rate reduced by the HTML method up to 11% compare to the SL.
- Score: 2.0625936401496237
- License:
- Abstract: Recent progress of Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) demonstrates the capability
of these methods in computer vision field. However, this progress could not
show any promises for fine-grained tasks such as Head Pose estimation. In this
article, we have tried to answer a question: How SSL can be used for Head Pose
estimation? In general, there are two main approaches to use SSL: 1. Using
pre-trained weights which can be done via weights pre-training on ImageNet or
via SSL tasks. 2. Leveraging SSL as an auxiliary co-training task besides of
Supervised Learning (SL) tasks at the same time. In this study, modified
versions of jigsaw puzzling and rotation as SSL pre-text tasks are used and the
best architecture for our proposed Hybrid Multi-Task Learning (HMTL) is found.
Finally, the HopeNet method as a baseline is selected and the impact of SSL
pre-training and ImageNet pre-training on both HMTL and SL are compared. The
error rate reduced by the HTML method up to 11% compare to the SL. Moreover,
HMTL method showed that it was good with all kinds of initial weights: random,
ImageNet and SSL pre-training weights. Also, it was observed, when puzzled
images are used for SL alone, the average error rate placed between SL and HMTL
which showed the importance of local spatial features compare to global spatial
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