Approximating Pandora's Box with Correlations
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- Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2023 18:16:37 GMT
- Title: Approximating Pandora's Box with Correlations
- Authors: Shuchi Chawla, Evangelia Gergatsouli, Jeremy McMahan, Christos Tzamos
- Abstract summary: We study the complexity of approximating the optimal policy which may adaptively choose which box to visit next.
Our main result establishes an approximation-preserving equivalence of PB to the well studied Uniform Decision Tree (UDT) problem.
We also study the case where the distribution over values is given more succinctly as a mixture of $m$ product distributions.
- Score: 14.284880952600995
- License:
- Abstract: We revisit the classic Pandora's Box (PB) problem under correlated
distributions on the box values. Recent work of arXiv:1911.01632 obtained
constant approximate algorithms for a restricted class of policies for the
problem that visit boxes in a fixed order. In this work, we study the
complexity of approximating the optimal policy which may adaptively choose
which box to visit next based on the values seen so far.
Our main result establishes an approximation-preserving equivalence of PB to
the well studied Uniform Decision Tree (UDT) problem from stochastic
optimization and a variant of the Min-Sum Set Cover ($\text{MSSC}_f$) problem.
For distributions of support $m$, UDT admits a $\log m$ approximation, and
while a constant factor approximation in polynomial time is a long-standing
open problem, constant factor approximations are achievable in subexponential
time (arXiv:1906.11385). Our main result implies that the same properties hold
for PB and $\text{MSSC}_f$.
We also study the case where the distribution over values is given more
succinctly as a mixture of $m$ product distributions. This problem is again
related to a noisy variant of the Optimal Decision Tree which is significantly
more challenging. We give a constant-factor approximation that runs in time
$n^{ \tilde O( m^2/\varepsilon^2 ) }$ when the mixture components on every box
are either identical or separated in TV distance by $\varepsilon$.
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