Transport-based Counterfactual Models
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- Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2021 07:28:19 GMT
- Title: Transport-based Counterfactual Models
- Authors: Lucas de Lara (IMT), Alberto Gonz\'alez-Sanz (IMT), Nicholas Asher
(IRIT-MELODI, CNRS), Jean-Michel Loubes (IMT)
- Abstract summary: State-of-the-art models to compute counterfactuals are either unrealistic or unfeasible.
We address the problem of designing realistic and feasible counterfactuals in the absence of a causal model.
We argue that optimal transport theory defines relevant transport-based counterfactual models.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Counterfactual frameworks have grown popular in explainable and fair machine
learning, as they offer a natural notion of causation. However,
state-of-the-art models to compute counterfactuals are either unrealistic or
unfeasible. In particular, while Pearl's causal inference provides appealing
rules to calculate counterfactuals, it relies on a model that is unknown and
hard to discover in practice. We address the problem of designing realistic and
feasible counterfactuals in the absence of a causal model. We define
transport-based counterfactual models as collections of joint probability
distributions between observable distributions, and show their connection to
causal counterfactuals. More specifically, we argue that optimal transport
theory defines relevant transport-based counterfactual models, as they are
numerically feasible, statistically-faithful, and can even coincide with causal
counterfactual models. We illustrate the practicality of these models by
defining sharper fairness criteria than typical group fairness conditions.
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