A Framework for Multisensory Foresight for Embodied Agents
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.07561v1
- Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2021 20:20:04 GMT
- Title: A Framework for Multisensory Foresight for Embodied Agents
- Authors: Xiaohui Chen, Ramtin Hosseini, Karen Panetta, Jivko Sinapov
- Abstract summary: Predicting future sensory states is crucial for learning agents such as robots, drones, and autonomous vehicles.
In this paper, we couple multiple sensory modalities with exploratory actions and propose a predictive neural network architecture to address this problem.
The framework was tested and validated with a dataset containing 4 sensory modalities (vision, haptic, audio, and tactile) on a humanoid robot performing 9 behaviors multiple times on a large set of objects.
- Score: 11.351546861334292
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Predicting future sensory states is crucial for learning agents such as
robots, drones, and autonomous vehicles. In this paper, we couple multiple
sensory modalities with exploratory actions and propose a predictive neural
network architecture to address this problem. Most existing approaches rely on
large, manually annotated datasets, or only use visual data as a single
modality. In contrast, the unsupervised method presented here uses multi-modal
perceptions for predicting future visual frames. As a result, the proposed
model is more comprehensive and can better capture the spatio-temporal dynamics
of the environment, leading to more accurate visual frame prediction. The other
novelty of our framework is the use of sub-networks dedicated to anticipating
future haptic, audio, and tactile signals. The framework was tested and
validated with a dataset containing 4 sensory modalities (vision, haptic,
audio, and tactile) on a humanoid robot performing 9 behaviors multiple times
on a large set of objects. While the visual information is the dominant
modality, utilizing the additional non-visual modalities improves the accuracy
of predictions.
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