Measuring Fairness Under Unawareness of Sensitive Attributes: A
Quantification-Based Approach
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2023 13:33:16 GMT
- Title: Measuring Fairness Under Unawareness of Sensitive Attributes: A
Quantification-Based Approach
- Authors: Alessandro Fabris, Andrea Esuli, Alejandro Moreo, Fabrizio Sebastiani
- Abstract summary: We tackle the problem of measuring group fairness under unawareness of sensitive attributes.
We show that quantification approaches are particularly suited to tackle the fairness-under-unawareness problem.
- Score: 131.20444904674494
- License:
- Abstract: Algorithms and models are increasingly deployed to inform decisions about
people, inevitably affecting their lives. As a consequence, those in charge of
developing these models must carefully evaluate their impact on different
groups of people and favour group fairness, that is, ensure that groups
determined by sensitive demographic attributes, such as race or sex, are not
treated unjustly. To achieve this goal, the availability (awareness) of these
demographic attributes to those evaluating the impact of these models is
fundamental. Unfortunately, collecting and storing these attributes is often in
conflict with industry practices and legislation on data minimisation and
privacy. For this reason, it can be hard to measure the group fairness of
trained models, even from within the companies developing them. In this work,
we tackle the problem of measuring group fairness under unawareness of
sensitive attributes, by using techniques from quantification, a supervised
learning task concerned with directly providing group-level prevalence
estimates (rather than individual-level class labels). We show that
quantification approaches are particularly suited to tackle the
fairness-under-unawareness problem, as they are robust to inevitable
distribution shifts while at the same time decoupling the (desirable) objective
of measuring group fairness from the (undesirable) side effect of allowing the
inference of sensitive attributes of individuals. More in detail, we show that
fairness under unawareness can be cast as a quantification problem and solved
with proven methods from the quantification literature. We show that these
methods outperform previous approaches to measure demographic parity in five
experimental protocols, corresponding to important challenges that complicate
the estimation of classifier fairness under unawareness.
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