Gravitational effects on neutrino decoherence in Lense-Thirring metric
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- Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2021 10:09:24 GMT
- Title: Gravitational effects on neutrino decoherence in Lense-Thirring metric
- Authors: Giuseppe Gaetano Luciano and Massimo Blasone
- Abstract summary: We analyze gravity effects on neutrino wave packet decoherence.
We show that the characteristic coherence length of neutrino oscillation processes is nontrivially affected.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We analyze gravity effects on neutrino wave packet decoherence. As a specific
example, we consider the gravitational field of a spinning spherical body
described by the Lense-Thirring metric. By working in the weak-field limit and
employing Gaussian wave packets, we show that the characteristic coherence
length of neutrino oscillation processes is nontrivially affected, the
corrections being dependent on the mass and angular velocity of the gravity
source. Possible experimental implications are finally discussed.
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