Relativistic quantum oscillator under rainbow gravity's effects in
traversable wormhole with disclination
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- Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 10:11:29 GMT
- Title: Relativistic quantum oscillator under rainbow gravity's effects in
traversable wormhole with disclination
- Authors: Abdullah Guvendi, Faizuddin Ahmed
- Abstract summary: We investigate the impact of disclination and throat radius of a three-dimensional traversable wormhole on quantum oscillator fields.
Specifically, we focus on Perry-Mann-type wormhole with disclination while also considering the influence of rainbow gravity's.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In this paper, our principal objective is to investigate the impact of
disclination and throat radius of a three-dimensional traversable wormhole on
quantum oscillator fields. Specifically, we focus on Perry-Mann-type wormhole
with disclination while also considering the influence of rainbow gravity's. We
derive the radial equation of the relativistic Klein-Gordon oscillator within
this wormhole background under the effects of gravity's rainbow and the
analytical eigenvalue solution is obtained using the confluent Heun function.
In fact, we show that the behavior of the oscillator fields is significantly
influenced not only by the presence of disclination and the throat radius but
also by the parameter of rainbow gravity's. We choose various such rainbow
functions to present and analyze the eigenvalue solutions of the quantum
oscillator fields.
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