Thermodynamic origin of quantum time-energy uncertainty relation
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- Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2021 11:34:51 GMT
- Title: Thermodynamic origin of quantum time-energy uncertainty relation
- Authors: Zacharias Roupas
- Abstract summary: Louis de Broglie tried to develop a theory of sub-quantum degrees of freedom relying on statistical thermodynamics.
He realized a quantum particle as a fluctuating dense corpuscle formed via non-linear effects from a sub-quantum medium.
We show here that, when the de Broglie temperature-time conjecture is assumed, the thermodynamic temperature-energy uncertainty relation leads to the quantum time-energy uncertainty relation.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: The problem of time is a notable obstacle towards the recognition of quantum
theory as the ultimate fundamental description of nature. Quantum theory may
not be complete if founded upon classical notions. Louis de Broglie, seeming to
be more or less convinced about the ontology of his proposed matter waves,
tried to develop a theory of sub-quantum degrees of freedom relying on
statistical thermodynamics. He realized a quantum particle as a fluctuating
dense corpuscle formed via non-linear effects from a sub-quantum medium. A wave
on the medium guides the vibrating corpuscle. He argued that an intrinsic clock
of a quantum particle is related to its Brownian motion at the sub-quantum
level. This led him to conjecture a relation between the de Broglie clock
frequency $m c^2/h$ and its implicit temperature, which equals that of the
surrounding sub-quantum medium. About the same time, Mandelbrot was the first
to derive in a classical setting a thermodynamic uncertainty relation between
energy and temperature, that was, coincidentally or not, anticipated by Bohr
and Heisenberg in the first years of development of quantum theory. We show
here that, when the de Broglie temperature-time conjecture is assumed, the
thermodynamic temperature-energy uncertainty relation leads to the quantum
time-energy uncertainty relation.
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