Ranking Cost: Building An Efficient and Scalable Circuit Routing Planner
with Evolution-Based Optimization
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.03939v1
- Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2021 07:22:45 GMT
- Title: Ranking Cost: Building An Efficient and Scalable Circuit Routing Planner
with Evolution-Based Optimization
- Authors: Shiyu Huang, Bin Wang, Dong Li, Jianye Hao, Ting Chen, Jun Zhu
- Abstract summary: We propose a new algorithm for circuit routing, named Ranking Cost, to form an efficient and trainable router.
In our method, we introduce a new set of variables called cost maps, which can help the A* router to find out proper paths.
Our algorithm is trained in an end-to-end manner and does not use any artificial data or human demonstration.
- Score: 49.207538634692916
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Circuit routing has been a historically challenging problem in designing
electronic systems such as very large-scale integration (VLSI) and printed
circuit boards (PCBs). The main challenge is that connecting a large number of
electronic components under specific design rules involves a very large search
space. Early solutions are typically designed with hard-coded heuristics, which
suffer from problems of non-optimal solutions and lack of flexibility for new
design needs. Although a few learning-based methods have been proposed
recently, they are typically cumbersome and hard to extend to large-scale
applications. In this work, we propose a new algorithm for circuit routing,
named Ranking Cost, which innovatively combines search-based methods (i.e., A*
algorithm) and learning-based methods (i.e., Evolution Strategies) to form an
efficient and trainable router. In our method, we introduce a new set of
variables called cost maps, which can help the A* router to find out proper
paths to achieve the global objective. We also train a ranking parameter, which
can produce the ranking order and further improve the performance of our
method. Our algorithm is trained in an end-to-end manner and does not use any
artificial data or human demonstration. In the experiments, we compare with the
sequential A* algorithm and a canonical reinforcement learning approach, and
results show that our method outperforms these baselines with higher
connectivity rates and better scalability.
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