Building models of topological quantum criticality from pivot
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- Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2023 15:03:26 GMT
- Title: Building models of topological quantum criticality from pivot
- Authors: Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Ryan Thorngren, Ashvin Vishwanath, Ruben
- Abstract summary: We show how the recently introduced notion of the pivot Hamiltonian -- generating rotations between SPT phases -- facilitates such a construction.
We find evidence for a direct transition between trivial and SPT phases that is consistent with a deconfined quantum critical point with emergent $SO(5)$ symmetry.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Progress in understanding symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases has
been greatly aided by our ability to construct lattice models realizing these
states. In contrast, a systematic approach to constructing models that realize
quantum critical points between SPT phases is lacking, particularly in
dimension $d>1$. Here, we show how the recently introduced notion of the pivot
Hamiltonian -- generating rotations between SPT phases -- facilitates such a
construction. We demonstrate this approach by constructing a spin model on the
triangular lattice, which is midway between a trivial and SPT phase. The pivot
Hamiltonian generates a $U(1)$ pivot symmetry which helps to stabilize a direct
SPT transition. The sign-problem free nature of the model -- with an additional
Ising interaction preserving the pivot symmetry -- allows us to obtain the
phase diagram using quantum Monte Carlo simulations. We find evidence for a
direct transition between trivial and SPT phases that is consistent with a
deconfined quantum critical point with emergent $SO(5)$ symmetry. The known
anomaly of the latter is made possible by the non-local nature of the $U(1)$
pivot symmetry. Interestingly, the pivot Hamiltonian generating this symmetry
is nothing other than the staggered Baxter-Wu three-spin interaction. This work
illustrates the importance of $U(1)$ pivot symmetries and proposes how to
generally construct sign-problem-free lattice models of SPT transitions with
such anomalous symmetry groups for other lattices and dimensions.
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