Statistical and Topological Properties of Gaussian Smoothed Sliced
Probability Divergences
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2021 12:21:32 GMT
- Title: Statistical and Topological Properties of Gaussian Smoothed Sliced
Probability Divergences
- Authors: Alain Rakotomamonjy, Mokhtar Z. Alaya (LMAC), Maxime Berar (DocApp -
LITIS), Gilles Gasso (DocApp - LITIS)
- Abstract summary: We show that smoothing and slicing preserve the metric property and the weak topology.
We also provide results on the sample complexity of such divergences.
- Score: 9.08047281767226
- License:
- Abstract: Gaussian smoothed sliced Wasserstein distance has been recently introduced
for comparing probability distributions, while preserving privacy on the data.
It has been shown, in applications such as domain adaptation, to provide
performances similar to its non-private (non-smoothed) counterpart. However,
the computational and statistical properties of such a metric is not yet been
well-established. In this paper, we analyze the theoretical properties of this
distance as well as those of generalized versions denoted as Gaussian smoothed
sliced divergences. We show that smoothing and slicing preserve the metric
property and the weak topology. We also provide results on the sample
complexity of such divergences. Since, the privacy level depends on the amount
of Gaussian smoothing, we analyze the impact of this parameter on the
divergence. We support our theoretical findings with empirical studies of
Gaussian smoothed and sliced version of Wassertein distance, Sinkhorn
divergence and maximum mean discrepancy (MMD). In the context of
privacy-preserving domain adaptation, we confirm that those Gaussian smoothed
sliced Wasserstein and MMD divergences perform very well while ensuring data
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