Convergence and Optimality of Policy Gradient Methods in Weakly Smooth
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- Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2021 06:31:01 GMT
- Title: Convergence and Optimality of Policy Gradient Methods in Weakly Smooth
- Authors: Matthew Shunshi Zhang, Murat Erdogdu, Animesh Garg
- Abstract summary: We establish explicit convergence rates of policy gradient methods without relying on opaque conditions.
We also characterize the sufficiency conditions for the ergodicity of near-linear MDPs.
We provide conditions and analysis for optimality of the converged policies.
- Score: 17.437408088239142
- License:
- Abstract: Policy gradient methods have been frequently applied to problems in control
and reinforcement learning with great success, yet existing convergence
analysis still relies on non-intuitive, impractical and often opaque
conditions. In particular, existing rates are achieved in limited settings,
under strict smoothness and bounded conditions. In this work, we establish
explicit convergence rates of policy gradient methods without relying on these
conditions, instead extending the convergence regime to weakly smooth policy
classes with $L_2$ integrable gradient. We provide intuitive examples to
illustrate the insight behind these new conditions. We also characterize the
sufficiency conditions for the ergodicity of near-linear MDPs, which represent
an important class of problems. Notably, our analysis also shows that fast
convergence rates are achievable for both the standard policy gradient and the
natural policy gradient algorithms under these assumptions. Lastly we provide
conditions and analysis for optimality of the converged policies.
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