AirDet: Few-Shot Detection without Fine-tuning for Autonomous
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- Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2021 06:41:07 GMT
- Title: AirDet: Few-Shot Detection without Fine-tuning for Autonomous
- Authors: Bowen Li, Chen Wang, Pranay Reddy, Seungchan Kim, Sebastian Scherer
- Abstract summary: We present AirDet, which is free of fine-tuning by learning class relation with support images.
AirDet achieves comparable or even better results than the exhaustively finetuned methods, reaching up to 40-60% improvements on the baseline.
We present evaluation results on real-world exploration tests from the DARPA Subterranean Challenge.
- Score: 16.032316550612336
- License:
- Abstract: Few-shot object detection has rapidly progressed owing to the success of
meta-learning strategies. However, the requirement of a fine-tuning stage in
existing methods is timeconsuming and significantly hinders their usage in
real-time applications such as autonomous exploration of low-power robots. To
solve this problem, we present a brand new architecture, AirDet, which is free
of fine-tuning by learning class agnostic relation with support images.
Specifically, we propose a support-guided cross-scale (SCS) feature fusion
network to generate object proposals, a global-local relation network (GLR) for
shots aggregation, and a relation-based prototype embedding network (R-PEN) for
precise localization. Exhaustive experiments are conducted on COCO and PASCAL
VOC datasets, where surprisingly, AirDet achieves comparable or even better
results than the exhaustively finetuned methods, reaching up to 40-60%
improvements on the baseline. To our excitement, AirDet obtains favorable
performance on multi-scale objects, especially the small ones. Furthermore, we
present evaluation results on real-world exploration tests from the DARPA
Subterranean Challenge, which strongly validate the feasibility of AirDet in
robotics. The source code, pre-trained models, along with the real world data
for exploration, will be made public.
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