Learned ISTA with Error-based Thresholding for Adaptive Sparse Coding
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10985v2
- Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 05:51:09 GMT
- Title: Learned ISTA with Error-based Thresholding for Adaptive Sparse Coding
- Authors: Ziang Li, Kailun Wu, Yiwen Guo, and Changshui Zhang
- Abstract summary: We propose an error-based thresholding mechanism for learned ISTA (LISTA)
We show that the proposed EBT mechanism well disentangles the learnable parameters in the shrinkage functions from the reconstruction errors.
- Score: 58.73333095047114
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Drawing on theoretical insights, we advocate an error-based thresholding
(EBT) mechanism for learned ISTA (LISTA), which utilizes a function of the
layer-wise reconstruction error to suggest a specific threshold for each
observation in the shrinkage function of each layer. We show that the proposed
EBT mechanism well disentangles the learnable parameters in the shrinkage
functions from the reconstruction errors, endowing the obtained models with
improved adaptivity to possible data variations. With rigorous analyses, we
further show that the proposed EBT also leads to a faster convergence on the
basis of LISTA or its variants, in addition to its higher adaptivity. Extensive
experimental results confirm our theoretical analyses and verify the
effectiveness of our methods.
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