論文の概要: Label Distributionally Robust Losses for Multi-class Classification:
Consistency, Robustness and Adaptivity
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.14869v3
- Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2023 05:29:54 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-06-08 00:10:07.137459
- Title: Label Distributionally Robust Losses for Multi-class Classification:
Consistency, Robustness and Adaptivity
- Title(参考訳): 多クラス分類のためのラベル分布ロバスト損失:一貫性,ロバスト性,適応性
- Authors: Dixian Zhu, Yiming Ying and Tianbao Yang
- Abstract要約: 多クラス分類のためのラベル分布ロバスト(LDR)損失という損失関数群について検討した。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 55.29408396918968
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We study a family of loss functions named label-distributionally robust (LDR)
losses for multi-class classification that are formulated from distributionally
robust optimization (DRO) perspective, where the uncertainty in the given label
information are modeled and captured by taking the worse case of distributional
weights. The benefits of this perspective are several fold: (i) it provides a
unified framework to explain the classical cross-entropy (CE) loss and SVM loss
and their variants, (ii) it includes a special family corresponding to the
temperature-scaled CE loss, which is widely adopted but poorly understood;
(iii) it allows us to achieve adaptivity to the uncertainty degree of label
information at an instance level. Our contributions include: (1) we study both
consistency and robustness by establishing top-$k$ ($\forall k\geq 1$)
consistency of LDR losses for multi-class classification, and a negative result
that a top-$1$ consistent and symmetric robust loss cannot achieve top-$k$
consistency simultaneously for all $k\geq 2$; (2) we propose a new adaptive LDR
loss that automatically adapts the individualized temperature parameter to the
noise degree of class label of each instance; (3) we demonstrate stable and
competitive performance for the proposed adaptive LDR loss on 7 benchmark
datasets under 6 noisy label and 1 clean settings against 13 loss functions,
and on one real-world noisy dataset. The code is open-sourced at
- Abstract(参考訳): 本研究では,分布的ロバスト最適化(dro)の観点から定式化した多クラス分類のためのラベル分散ロバスト(ldr)損失と呼ばれる損失関数の族について検討する。
i) 古典的クロスエントロピー(CE)損失とSVM損失とその変種を説明する統一的なフレームワークを提供する。
Our contributions include: (1) we study both consistency and robustness by establishing top-$k$ ($\forall k\geq 1$) consistency of LDR losses for multi-class classification, and a negative result that a top-$1$ consistent and symmetric robust loss cannot achieve top-$k$ consistency simultaneously for all $k\geq 2$; (2) we propose a new adaptive LDR loss that automatically adapts the individualized temperature parameter to the noise degree of class label of each instance; (3) we demonstrate stable and competitive performance for the proposed adaptive LDR loss on 7 benchmark datasets under 6 noisy label and 1 clean settings against 13 loss functions, and on one real-world noisy dataset.
コードは \url{https://github.com/Optimization-AI/ICML2023_LDR} でオープンソース化されている。
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