Quantifying Robustness to Adversarial Word Substitutions
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.03829v1
- Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 08:18:39 GMT
- Title: Quantifying Robustness to Adversarial Word Substitutions
- Authors: Yuting Yang, Pei Huang, FeiFei Ma, Juan Cao, Meishan Zhang, Jian Zhang
and Jintao Li
- Abstract summary: Deep-learning-based NLP models are found to be vulnerable to word substitution perturbations.
We propose a formal framework to evaluate word-level robustness.
metric helps us figure out why state-of-the-art models like BERT can be easily fooled by a few word substitutions.
- Score: 24.164523751390053
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Deep-learning-based NLP models are found to be vulnerable to word
substitution perturbations. Before they are widely adopted, the fundamental
issues of robustness need to be addressed. Along this line, we propose a formal
framework to evaluate word-level robustness. First, to study safe regions for a
model, we introduce robustness radius which is the boundary where the model can
resist any perturbation. As calculating the maximum robustness radius is
computationally hard, we estimate its upper and lower bound. We repurpose
attack methods as ways of seeking upper bound and design a pseudo-dynamic
programming algorithm for a tighter upper bound. Then verification method is
utilized for a lower bound. Further, for evaluating the robustness of regions
outside a safe radius, we reexamine robustness from another view:
quantification. A robustness metric with a rigorous statistical guarantee is
introduced to measure the quantification of adversarial examples, which
indicates the model's susceptibility to perturbations outside the safe radius.
The metric helps us figure out why state-of-the-art models like BERT can be
easily fooled by a few word substitutions, but generalize well in the presence
of real-world noises.
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