論文の概要: Multi-Output Gaussian Process-Based Data Augmentation for Multi-Building
and Multi-Floor Indoor Localization
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.01980v1
- Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2022 05:15:52 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-02-07 16:00:56.507510
- Title: Multi-Output Gaussian Process-Based Data Augmentation for Multi-Building
and Multi-Floor Indoor Localization
- Title(参考訳): マルチビルディングとマルチフロア屋内ローカライゼーションのための多出力ガウスプロセスベースデータ拡張
- Authors: Zhe Tang, Sihao Li, Kyeong Soo Kim, Jeremy Smith
- Abstract要約: RSSIに基づく位置情報のフィンガープリントは,新たなインフラの設置を必要としないという利点から,屋内のローカライズ技術として主流となる。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 3.8310036898137296
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Location fingerprinting based on RSSI becomes a mainstream indoor
localization technique due to its advantage of not requiring the installation
of new infrastructure and the modification of existing devices, especially
given the prevalence of Wi-Fi-enabled devices and the ubiquitous Wi-Fi access
in modern buildings. The use of AI/ML technologies like DNNs makes location
fingerprinting more accurate and reliable, especially for large-scale
multi-building and multi-floor indoor localization. The application of DNNs for
indoor localization, however, depends on a large amount of preprocessed and
deliberately-labeled data for their training. Considering the difficulty of the
data collection in an indoor environment, especially under the current epidemic
situation of COVID-19, we investigate three different methods of RSSI data
augmentation based on Multi-Output Gaussian Process (MOGP), i.e., by a single
floor, by neighboring floors, and by a single building; unlike Single-Output
Gaussian Process (SOGP), MOGP can take into account the correlation among RSSI
observations from multiple Access Points (APs) deployed closely to each other
(e.g., APs on the same floor of a building) by collectively handling them. The
feasibility of the MOGP-based RSSI data augmentation is demonstrated through
experiments based on the state-of-the-art RNN indoor localization model and the
UJIIndoorLoc, i.e., the most popular publicly-available multi-building and
multi-floor indoor localization database, where the RNN model trained with the
UJIIndoorLoc database augmented by using the whole RSSI data of a building in
fitting an MOGP model (i.e., by a single building) outperforms the other two
augmentation methods as well as the RNN model trained with the original
UJIIndoorLoc database, resulting in the mean three-dimensional positioning
error of 8.42 m.
- Abstract(参考訳): RSSIに基づく位置フィンガープリントは、特にWi-Fi対応デバイスの普及や、近代的な建物におけるユビキタスWi-Fiアクセスの頻度を考えると、新しいインフラの設置や既存機器の変更を必要としないという利点から、主要な屋内位置決め技術となっている。
Considering the difficulty of the data collection in an indoor environment, especially under the current epidemic situation of COVID-19, we investigate three different methods of RSSI data augmentation based on Multi-Output Gaussian Process (MOGP), i.e., by a single floor, by neighboring floors, and by a single building; unlike Single-Output Gaussian Process (SOGP), MOGP can take into account the correlation among RSSI observations from multiple Access Points (APs) deployed closely to each other (e.g., APs on the same floor of a building) by collectively handling them.
The feasibility of the MOGP-based RSSI data augmentation is demonstrated through experiments based on the state-of-the-art RNN indoor localization model and the UJIIndoorLoc, i.e., the most popular publicly-available multi-building and multi-floor indoor localization database, where the RNN model trained with the UJIIndoorLoc database augmented by using the whole RSSI data of a building in fitting an MOGP model (i.e., by a single building) outperforms the other two augmentation methods as well as the RNN model trained with the original UJIIndoorLoc database, resulting in the mean three-dimensional positioning error of 8.42 m.
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