Quantum Games and Interactive Tools for Quantum Technologies Outreach
and Education
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.07756v3
- Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2022 10:09:16 GMT
- Title: Quantum Games and Interactive Tools for Quantum Technologies Outreach
and Education
- Authors: Zeki C. Seskir, Piotr Migda{\l}, Carrie Weidner, Aditya Anupam, Nicky
Case, Noah Davis, Chiara Decaroli, \.Ilke Ercan, Caterina Foti, Pawe{\l}
Gora, Klementyna Jankiewicz, Brian R. La Cour, Jorge Yago Malo, Sabrina
Maniscalco, Azad Naeemi, Laurentiu Nita, Nassim Parvin, Fabio Scafirimuto,
Jacob F. Sherson, Elif Surer, James Wootton, Lia Yeh, Olga Zabello, Maril\`u
- Abstract summary: The paper presents selected tools, as described by their developers.
The list includes Hello Quantum, Hello Qiskit, Particle in a Box, Psi and Delta, QPlayLearn, Virtual Lab by Quantum Flytrap, Quantum Odyssey, ScienceAtHome, and The Virtual Quantum Optics Laboratory.
- Score: 0.3934156122532182
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In this article, we provide an extensive overview of a wide range of quantum
games and interactive tools that have been employed by the community in recent
years. The paper presents selected tools, as described by their developers. The
list includes Hello Quantum, Hello Qiskit, Particle in a Box, Psi and Delta,
QPlayLearn, Virtual Lab by Quantum Flytrap, Quantum Odyssey, ScienceAtHome, and
The Virtual Quantum Optics Laboratory. Additionally, we present events for
quantum game development: hackathons, game jams, and semester projects.
Furthermore, we discuss the Quantum Technologies Education for Everyone
(QUTE4E) pilot project, which illustrates an effective integration of these
interactive tools with quantum outreach and education activities. Finally, we
aim at providing guidelines for incorporating quantum games and interactive
tools in pedagogic materials to make quantum technologies more accessible for a
wider population.
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