Differentially Private Federated Learning via Inexact ADMM with Multiple
Local Updates
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.09409v1
- Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2022 19:58:47 GMT
- Title: Differentially Private Federated Learning via Inexact ADMM with Multiple
Local Updates
- Authors: Minseok Ryu and Kibaek Kim
- Abstract summary: We develop a DP inexact alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm with multiple local updates for federated learning.
We show that our algorithm provides $barepsilon$-DP for every iteration, where $barepsilon$ is a privacy budget controlled by the user.
We demonstrate that our algorithm reduces the testing error by at most $31%$ compared with the existing DP algorithm, while achieving the same level of data privacy.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Differential privacy (DP) techniques can be applied to the federated learning
model to statistically guarantee data privacy against inference attacks to
communication among the learning agents. While ensuring strong data privacy,
however, the DP techniques hinder achieving a greater learning performance. In
this paper we develop a DP inexact alternating direction method of multipliers
algorithm with multiple local updates for federated learning, where a sequence
of convex subproblems is solved with the objective perturbation by random
noises generated from a Laplace distribution. We show that our algorithm
provides $\bar{\epsilon}$-DP for every iteration, where $\bar{\epsilon}$ is a
privacy budget controlled by the user. We also present convergence analyses of
the proposed algorithm. Using MNIST and FEMNIST datasets for the image
classification, we demonstrate that our algorithm reduces the testing error by
at most $31\%$ compared with the existing DP algorithm, while achieving the
same level of data privacy. The numerical experiment also shows that our
algorithm converges faster than the existing algorithm.
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