Automatic Test Pattern Generation for Robust Quantum Circuit Testing
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- Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2024 15:50:41 GMT
- Title: Automatic Test Pattern Generation for Robust Quantum Circuit Testing
- Authors: Kean Chen, Mingsheng Ying,
- Abstract summary: We introduce the stabilizer projector decomposition (SPD) for representing the quantum test pattern.
We construct the test application (i.e., state preparation and measurement) using Clifford-only circuits.
We develop an SPD generation algorithm, as well as several acceleration techniques which can exploit both locality and sparsity in generating SPDs.
- Score: 8.860149267706221
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- Abstract: Quantum circuit testing is essential for detecting potential faults in realistic quantum devices, while the testing process itself also suffers from the inexactness and unreliability of quantum operations. This paper alleviates the issue by proposing a novel framework of automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) for robust testing of logical quantum circuits. We introduce the stabilizer projector decomposition (SPD) for representing the quantum test pattern, and construct the test application (i.e., state preparation and measurement) using Clifford-only circuits, which are rather robust and efficient as evidenced in the fault-tolerant quantum computation. However, it is generally hard to generate SPDs due to the exponentially growing number of the stabilizer projectors. To circumvent this difficulty, we develop an SPD generation algorithm, as well as several acceleration techniques which can exploit both locality and sparsity in generating SPDs. The effectiveness of our algorithms are validated by 1) theoretical guarantees under reasonable conditions, 2) experimental results on commonly used benchmark circuits, such as Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT), Quantum Volume (QV) and Bernstein-Vazirani (BV) in IBM Qiskit.
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