Robust Multi-Agent Bandits Over Undirected Graphs
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- Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 20:21:55 GMT
- Title: Robust Multi-Agent Bandits Over Undirected Graphs
- Authors: Daniel Vial, Sanjay Shakkottai, R. Srikant
- Abstract summary: We consider a multi-agent multi-armed bandit setting in which honest agents collaborate over a network to minimize regret.
We show the situation is murkier beyond the case of a complete graph.
We propose a new algorithm for which the $i$-th agent has regret $O( d_textmal(i) + K/n) log(T)/Delta)$ on any connected and undirected graph.
- Score: 26.26185074977412
- License:
- Abstract: We consider a multi-agent multi-armed bandit setting in which $n$ honest
agents collaborate over a network to minimize regret but $m$ malicious agents
can disrupt learning arbitrarily. Assuming the network is the complete graph,
existing algorithms incur $O( (m + K/n) \log (T) / \Delta )$ regret in this
setting, where $K$ is the number of arms and $\Delta$ is the arm gap. For $m
\ll K$, this improves over the single-agent baseline regret of
In this work, we show the situation is murkier beyond the case of a complete
graph. In particular, we prove that if the state-of-the-art algorithm is used
on the undirected line graph, honest agents can suffer (nearly) linear regret
until time is doubly exponential in $K$ and $n$. In light of this negative
result, we propose a new algorithm for which the $i$-th agent has regret $O( (
d_{\text{mal}}(i) + K/n) \log(T)/\Delta)$ on any connected and undirected
graph, where $d_{\text{mal}}(i)$ is the number of $i$'s neighbors who are
malicious. Thus, we generalize existing regret bounds beyond the complete graph
(where $d_{\text{mal}}(i) = m$), and show the effect of malicious agents is
entirely local (in the sense that only the $d_{\text{mal}}(i)$ malicious agents
directly connected to $i$ affect its long-term regret).
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