Error-Mitigated Simulation of Quantum Many-Body Scars on Quantum
Computers with Pulse-Level Control
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2023 20:21:08 GMT
- Title: Error-Mitigated Simulation of Quantum Many-Body Scars on Quantum
Computers with Pulse-Level Control
- Authors: I-Chi Chen, Benjamin Burdick, Yongxin Yao, Peter P. Orth, and Thomas
- Abstract summary: We simulate the dynamics of an antiferromagnetic initial state in mixed-field Ising chains of up to 19 sites.
We find coherent dynamics to persist over up to 40 Trotter steps even in the presence of various sources of error.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Quantum many-body scars are an intriguing dynamical regime in which quantum
systems exhibit coherent dynamics and long-range correlations when prepared in
certain initial states. We use this combination of coherence and many-body
correlations to benchmark the performance of present-day quantum computing
devices by using them to simulate the dynamics of an antiferromagnetic initial
state in mixed-field Ising chains of up to 19 sites. In addition to calculating
the dynamics of local observables, we also calculate the Loschmidt echo and a
nontrivial connected correlation function that witnesses long-range many-body
correlations in the scarred dynamics. We find coherent dynamics to persist over
up to 40 Trotter steps even in the presence of various sources of error. To
obtain these results, we leverage a variety of error mitigation techniques
including noise tailoring, zero-noise extrapolation, dynamical decoupling, and
physically motivated postselection of measurement results. Crucially, we also
find that using pulse-level control to implement the Ising interaction yields a
substantial improvement over the standard CNOT-based compilation of this
interaction. Our results demonstrate the power of error mitigation techniques
and pulse-level control to probe many-body coherence and correlation effects on
present-day quantum hardware.
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