Quantum private comparison via cavity QED
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.04011v1
- Date: Mon, 9 May 2022 02:37:06 GMT
- Title: Quantum private comparison via cavity QED
- Authors: Tian-Yu Ye
- Abstract summary: The proposed protocol adopts two-atom product states rather than entangled states as the initial quantum resource.
The qubit efficiency of the proposed protocol is as high as 50%.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The first quantum private comparison (QPC) protocol via cavity quantum
electrodynamics (QED) is proposed in this paper by making full use of the
evolution law of atom via cavity QED, where the third party (TP) is allowed to
misbehave on his own but cannot conspire with either of the two users. The
proposed protocol adopts two-atom product states rather than entangled states
as the initial quantum resource, and only needs single-atom measurements for
two users. Both the unitary operations and the quantum entanglement swapping
operation are not necessary for the proposed protocol. The proposed protocol
can compare the equality of one bit from each user in each round comparison
with one two-atom product state. The proposed protocol can resist both the
outside attack and the participant attack. Particularly, it can prevent TP from
knowing two users' secrets. Furthermore, the qubit efficiency of the proposed
protocol is as high as 50%.
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