SwinVRNN: A Data-Driven Ensemble Forecasting Model via Learned
Distribution Perturbation
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.13158v1
- Date: Thu, 26 May 2022 05:11:58 GMT
- Title: SwinVRNN: A Data-Driven Ensemble Forecasting Model via Learned
Distribution Perturbation
- Authors: Yuan Hu, Lei Chen, Zhibin Wang, Hao Li
- Abstract summary: We propose a Swin Transformer-based Variational Recurrent Neural Network (SwinVRNN), which is a weather forecasting model combining a SwinRNN predictor with a perturbation module.
SwinVRNN surpasses operational ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) on surface variables of 2-m temperature and 6-hourly total precipitation at all lead times up to five days.
- Score: 16.540748935603723
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Data-driven approaches for medium-range weather forecasting are recently
shown extraordinarily promising for ensemble forecasting for their fast
inference speed compared to traditional numerical weather prediction (NWP)
models, but their forecast accuracy can hardly match the state-of-the-art
operational ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) model. Previous
data-driven attempts achieve ensemble forecast using some simple perturbation
methods, like initial condition perturbation and Monte Carlo dropout. However,
they mostly suffer unsatisfactory ensemble performance, which is arguably
attributed to the sub-optimal ways of applying perturbation. We propose a Swin
Transformer-based Variational Recurrent Neural Network (SwinVRNN), which is a
stochastic weather forecasting model combining a SwinRNN predictor with a
perturbation module. SwinRNN is designed as a Swin Transformer-based recurrent
neural network, which predicts future states deterministically. Furthermore, to
model the stochasticity in prediction, we design a perturbation module
following the Variational Auto-Encoder paradigm to learn multivariate Gaussian
distributions of a time-variant stochastic latent variable from data. Ensemble
forecasting can be easily achieved by perturbing the model features leveraging
noise sampled from the learned distribution. We also compare four categories of
perturbation methods for ensemble forecasting, i.e. fixed distribution
perturbation, learned distribution perturbation, MC dropout, and multi model
ensemble. Comparisons on WeatherBench dataset show the learned distribution
perturbation method using our SwinVRNN model achieves superior forecast
accuracy and reasonable ensemble spread due to joint optimization of the two
targets. More notably, SwinVRNN surpasses operational IFS on surface variables
of 2-m temperature and 6-hourly total precipitation at all lead times up to
five days.
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