論文の概要: Tight-Binding Superconducting Phases in the Unconventional Compounds
Strontium-Substituted Lanthanum Cuprate and Strontium Ruthenate
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.14242v1
- Date: Fri, 27 May 2022 21:29:47 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-02-11 13:45:04.223572
- Title: Tight-Binding Superconducting Phases in the Unconventional Compounds
Strontium-Substituted Lanthanum Cuprate and Strontium Ruthenate
- Title(参考訳): 従来型化合物strontium-substitated lanthanum cuprateおよびstrontium ruthenateの強結合超伝導相
- Authors: Pedro Contreras, Dianela Osorio, Eugeniy Yurievich Beliayev
- Abstract要約: 2つの新しい非伝統的な超伝導体, ストロンチウム置換ランタン銅酸化物およびトリプルト超伝導体ストロンチウムルテネート中のいくつかの相を予測した。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We use the idea of the Wigner probability distribution (WPD) in a reduced
scattering phase space (RPS) for the elastic scattering cross-section, with the
help of a Tight-Binding (TB) numerical procedure allowing us to consider the
anisotropic quantum effects, to phenomenologically predict several phases in
these two novel unconventional superconductors. Unlike our previous works with
pieces of evidence that these two compounds are in the unitary strong
scattering regime and that superconductivity is suppressed by the atoms of
strontium in both materials, several phases are built. In the case of the
strontium-substituted lanthanum cuprate, it was found three phases from one
family of Wigner probabilistic distributions, one corresponding to the
antiferromagnetic compound La2CuO4 another one which consists of a coalescing
metallic phase for very lightly doped La2-xSrxCuO4, and finally a strong
self-consistent dependent strange metal phase with optimal levels of doping. In
the case of a triplet superconductor strontium ruthenate, three phases can be
differentiated from two families of Wigner distribution probabilities, one
family of WDP with point nodes where Cooper pairs and dressed scattered normal
quasiparticles are mixed for the whole range of frequencies and which
correspond to an FS $\gamma$ flat-sheet in the ground metallic state, and two
phases from another WPD family, where, in one of then, the Miyake-Narikiyo
quasinodal tiny gap model allows the unique presence of Cooper pairs in a tiny
interval of frequencies near the superconducting transition TC, the other phase
corresponds to the mixed-phase with Cooper pairs and dressed by stoichiometric
strontium non-magnetic atoms, where strong self-consistent effects are
noticeable. This approach allows comparing experimental results for samples in
both compounds with numerical analysis studies.
- Abstract(参考訳): 弾性散乱断面積(RPS)の縮小散乱位相空間(RPS)におけるウィグナー確率分布(WPD)のアイデアを、この異方性量子効果を考慮できるTB法を用いて、これらの2つの新しい非古典的超伝導体のいくつかの位相を現象論的に予測する。
In the case of a triplet superconductor strontium ruthenate, three phases can be differentiated from two families of Wigner distribution probabilities, one family of WDP with point nodes where Cooper pairs and dressed scattered normal quasiparticles are mixed for the whole range of frequencies and which correspond to an FS $\gamma$ flat-sheet in the ground metallic state, and two phases from another WPD family, where, in one of then, the Miyake-Narikiyo quasinodal tiny gap model allows the unique presence of Cooper pairs in a tiny interval of frequencies near the superconducting transition TC, the other phase corresponds to the mixed-phase with Cooper pairs and dressed by stoichiometric strontium non-magnetic atoms, where strong self-consistent effects are noticeable.
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本研究では, ハードコアボソン近似が成立するパラメータのある種の構造を同定し, 可変フラックスを有するフラストレーション付き三角形のスピンはしごを実現する。
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2020-03-09T13:54:20Z)