Adversarially Robust PAC Learnability of Real-Valued Functions
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- Date: Sun, 5 May 2024 19:55:10 GMT
- Title: Adversarially Robust PAC Learnability of Real-Valued Functions
- Authors: Idan Attias, Steve Hanneke,
- Abstract summary: We show that classes of fat-shattering dimension are $ell_p$ learnable in $ell_p$ perturbation setting.
We introduce a novel agnostic agnostic sample scheme for real functions, which may be independent interest.
- Score: 19.54399554114989
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- Abstract: We study robustness to test-time adversarial attacks in the regression setting with $\ell_p$ losses and arbitrary perturbation sets. We address the question of which function classes are PAC learnable in this setting. We show that classes of finite fat-shattering dimension are learnable in both realizable and agnostic settings. Moreover, for convex function classes, they are even properly learnable. In contrast, some non-convex function classes provably require improper learning algorithms. Our main technique is based on a construction of an adversarially robust sample compression scheme of a size determined by the fat-shattering dimension. Along the way, we introduce a novel agnostic sample compression scheme for real-valued functions, which may be of independent interest.
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