DP$^2$-NILM: A Distributed and Privacy-preserving Framework for
Non-intrusive Load Monitoring
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.00041v1
- Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2022 18:18:25 GMT
- Title: DP$^2$-NILM: A Distributed and Privacy-preserving Framework for
Non-intrusive Load Monitoring
- Authors: Shuang Dai and Fanlin Meng and Qian Wang and Xizhong Chen
- Abstract summary: Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) can help analyze electricity consumption behaviours of users.
Recent studies have proposed many novel NILM frameworks based on federated deep learning (FL)
- Score: 7.934421564157628
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM), which usually utilizes machine learning
methods and is effective in disaggregating smart meter readings from the
household-level into appliance-level consumption, can help analyze electricity
consumption behaviours of users and enable practical smart energy and smart
grid applications. Recent studies have proposed many novel NILM frameworks
based on federated deep learning (FL). However, there lacks comprehensive
research exploring the utility optimization schemes and the privacy-preserving
schemes in different FL-based NILM application scenarios. In this paper, we
make the first attempt to conduct FL-based NILM focusing on both the utility
optimization and the privacy-preserving by developing a distributed and
privacy-preserving NILM (DP2-NILM) framework and carrying out comparative
experiments on practical NILM scenarios based on real-world smart meter
datasets. Specifically, two alternative federated learning strategies are
examined in the utility optimization schemes, i.e., the FedAvg and the FedProx.
Moreover, different levels of privacy guarantees, i.e., the local differential
privacy federated learning and the global differential privacy federated
learning are provided in the DP2-NILM. Extensive comparison experiments are
conducted on three real-world datasets to evaluate the proposed framework.
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