Manipulation and certification of high-dimensional entanglement through
a scattering medium
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2023 20:47:18 GMT
- Title: Manipulation and certification of high-dimensional entanglement through
a scattering medium
- Authors: Baptiste Courme, Patrick Cameron, Daniele Faccio, Sylvain Gigan and
Hugo Defienne
- Abstract summary: We demonstrate a wavefront shaping approach to transmit high-dimensional spatially entangled photon pairs through scattering media.
Through violation of an Einstein-Podolski-Rosen criterion by $988$ sigma, we show the presence of entanglement after the medium.
This work paves the way towards manipulation and transport of entanglement through scattering media, with potential applications in quantum microscopy and quantum key distribution.
- Score: 1.9529276795413435
- License:
- Abstract: High-dimensional entangled quantum states improve the performance of quantum
technologies compared to qubit-based approaches. In particular, they enable
quantum communications with higher information capacities or enhanced imaging
protocols. However, the presence of optical disorder such as atmospheric
turbulence or biological tissue perturb quantum state propagation and hinder
their practical use. Here, we demonstrate a wavefront shaping approach to
transmit high-dimensional spatially entangled photon pairs through scattering
media. Using a transmission matrix approach, we perform wavefront correction in
the classical domain using an intense classical beam as a beacon to compensate
for the disturbances suffered by a co propagating beam of entangled photons.
Through violation of an Einstein-Podolski-Rosen criterion by $988$ sigma, we
show the presence of entanglement after the medium. Furthermore, we certify an
entanglement dimensionality of $17$. This work paves the way towards
manipulation and transport of entanglement through scattering media, with
potential applications in quantum microscopy and quantum key distribution.
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