Stochastic optimal well control in subsurface reservoirs using
reinforcement learning
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- Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2022 20:54:09 GMT
- Title: Stochastic optimal well control in subsurface reservoirs using
reinforcement learning
- Authors: Atish Dixit, Ahmed H. ElSheikh
- Abstract summary: We present a case study of model-free reinforcement learning framework to solve optimal control for a predefined parameter uncertainty distribution.
In principle, RL algorithms are capable of learning optimal action policies to maximize a numerical reward signal.
We present numerical results using two state-of-the-art RL algorithms, proximal policy optimization (PPO) and advantage actor-critic (A2C) on two subsurface flow test cases.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We present a case study of model-free reinforcement learning (RL) framework
to solve stochastic optimal control for a predefined parameter uncertainty
distribution and partially observable system. We focus on robust optimal well
control problem which is a subject of intensive research activities in the
field of subsurface reservoir management. For this problem, the system is
partially observed since the data is only available at well locations.
Furthermore, the model parameters are highly uncertain due to sparsity of
available field data. In principle, RL algorithms are capable of learning
optimal action policies -- a map from states to actions -- to maximize a
numerical reward signal. In deep RL, this mapping from state to action is
parameterized using a deep neural network. In the RL formulation of the robust
optimal well control problem, the states are represented by saturation and
pressure values at well locations while the actions represent the valve
openings controlling the flow through wells. The numerical reward refers to the
total sweep efficiency and the uncertain model parameter is the subsurface
permeability field. The model parameter uncertainties are handled by
introducing a domain randomisation scheme that exploits cluster analysis on its
uncertainty distribution. We present numerical results using two
state-of-the-art RL algorithms, proximal policy optimization (PPO) and
advantage actor-critic (A2C), on two subsurface flow test cases representing
two distinct uncertainty distributions of permeability field. The results were
benchmarked against optimisation results obtained using differential evolution
algorithm. Furthermore, we demonstrate the robustness of the proposed use of RL
by evaluating the learned control policy on unseen samples drawn from the
parameter uncertainty distribution that were not used during the training
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