Deep reinforcement learning for optimal well control in subsurface
systems with uncertain geology
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2022 22:50:47 GMT
- Title: Deep reinforcement learning for optimal well control in subsurface
systems with uncertain geology
- Authors: Yusuf Nasir and Louis J. Durlofsky
- Abstract summary: A general control policy framework based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is introduced for closed-loop decision making in subsurface flow settings.
The DRL-based methodology is shown to result in an NPV increase of 15% (for the 2D cases) and 33% (3D cases) relative to robust optimization over prior models.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: A general control policy framework based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL)
is introduced for closed-loop decision making in subsurface flow settings.
Traditional closed-loop modeling workflows in this context involve the repeated
application of data assimilation/history matching and robust optimization
steps. Data assimilation can be particularly challenging in cases where both
the geological style (scenario) and individual model realizations are
uncertain. The closed-loop reservoir management (CLRM) problem is formulated
here as a partially observable Markov decision process, with the associated
optimization problem solved using a proximal policy optimization algorithm.
This provides a control policy that instantaneously maps flow data observed at
wells (as are available in practice) to optimal well pressure settings. The
policy is represented by a temporal convolution and gated transformer blocks.
Training is performed in a preprocessing step with an ensemble of prior
geological models, which can be drawn from multiple geological scenarios.
Example cases involving the production of oil via water injection, with both 2D
and 3D geological models, are presented. The DRL-based methodology is shown to
result in an NPV increase of 15% (for the 2D cases) and 33% (3D cases) relative
to robust optimization over prior models, and to an average improvement of 4%
in NPV relative to traditional CLRM. The solutions from the control policy are
found to be comparable to those from deterministic optimization, in which the
geological model is assumed to be known, even when multiple geological
scenarios are considered. The control policy approach results in a 76% decrease
in computational cost relative to traditional CLRM with the algorithms and
parameter settings considered in this work.
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