Efficient and Scalable Recommendation via Item-Item Graph Partitioning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.05959v1
- Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2022 04:37:48 GMT
- Title: Efficient and Scalable Recommendation via Item-Item Graph Partitioning
- Authors: Tianjun Wei, Jianghong Ma, Tommy W. S. Chow
- Abstract summary: Collaborative filtering (CF) is a widely searched problem in recommender systems.
We propose an efficient and scalable recommendation via item-item graph partitioning (ERGP)
- Score: 10.390315462253726
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: Collaborative filtering (CF) is a widely searched problem in recommender
systems. Linear autoencoder is a kind of well-established method for CF, which
estimates item-item relations through encoding user-item interactions. Despite
the excellent performance of linear autoencoders, the rapidly increasing
computational and storage costs caused by the growing number of items limit
their scalabilities in large-scale real-world scenarios. Recently, graph-based
approaches have achieved success on CF with high scalability, and have been
shown to have commonalities with linear autoencoders in user-item interaction
modeling. Motivated by this, we propose an efficient and scalable
recommendation via item-item graph partitioning (ERGP), aiming to address the
limitations of linear autoencoders. In particular, a recursive graph
partitioning strategy is proposed to ensure that the item set is divided into
several partitions of finite size. Linear autoencoders encode user-item
interactions within partitions while preserving global information across the
entire item set. This allows ERGP to have guaranteed efficiency and high
scalability when the number of items increases. Experiments conducted on 3
public datasets and 3 open benchmarking datasets demonstrate the effectiveness
of ERGP, which outperforms state-of-the-art models with lower training time and
storage costs.
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