論文の概要: Truthful Generalized Linear Models
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.07815v1
- Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2022 09:28:08 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-09-19 13:53:02.476358
- Title: Truthful Generalized Linear Models
- Title(参考訳): 真理的一般化線形モデル
- Authors: Yuan Qiu and Jinyan Liu and Di Wang
- Abstract要約: エージェント(個人)が戦略的あるいは自己関心のある場合における一般化線形モデル(GLM)の推定について検討する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 9.766078137988936
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: In this paper we study estimating Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) in the
case where the agents (individuals) are strategic or self-interested and they
concern about their privacy when reporting data. Compared with the classical
setting, here we aim to design mechanisms that can both incentivize most agents
to truthfully report their data and preserve the privacy of individuals'
reports, while their outputs should also close to the underlying parameter. In
the first part of the paper, we consider the case where the covariates are
sub-Gaussian and the responses are heavy-tailed where they only have the finite
fourth moments. First, motivated by the stationary condition of the maximizer
of the likelihood function, we derive a novel private and closed form
estimator. Based on the estimator, we propose a mechanism which has the
following properties via some appropriate design of the computation and payment
scheme for several canonical models such as linear regression, logistic
regression and Poisson regression: (1) the mechanism is $o(1)$-jointly
differentially private (with probability at least $1-o(1)$); (2) it is an
$o(\frac{1}{n})$-approximate Bayes Nash equilibrium for a $(1-o(1))$-fraction
of agents to truthfully report their data, where $n$ is the number of agents;
(3) the output could achieve an error of $o(1)$ to the underlying parameter;
(4) it is individually rational for a $(1-o(1))$ fraction of agents in the
mechanism ; (5) the payment budget required from the analyst to run the
mechanism is $o(1)$. In the second part, we consider the linear regression
model under more general setting where both covariates and responses are
heavy-tailed and only have finite fourth moments. By using an $\ell_4$-norm
shrinkage operator, we propose a private estimator and payment scheme which
have similar properties as in the sub-Gaussian case.
- Abstract(参考訳): 本稿では,汎用線形モデル(GLM)を,エージェント(個人)が戦略的あるいは自己関心のある場合に推定し,データ報告時のプライバシを懸念する。
まず, 多元関数の最大化の定常条件に動機づけられ, 新規なプライベートおよびクローズドフォーム推定器を導出する。
Based on the estimator, we propose a mechanism which has the following properties via some appropriate design of the computation and payment scheme for several canonical models such as linear regression, logistic regression and Poisson regression: (1) the mechanism is $o(1)$-jointly differentially private (with probability at least $1-o(1)$); (2) it is an $o(\frac{1}{n})$-approximate Bayes Nash equilibrium for a $(1-o(1))$-fraction of agents to truthfully report their data, where $n$ is the number of agents; (3) the output could achieve an error of $o(1)$ to the underlying parameter; (4) it is individually rational for a $(1-o(1))$ fraction of agents in the mechanism ; (5) the payment budget required from the analyst to run the mechanism is $o(1)$.
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