Quantum Discord and Logarithmic Negativity in the Generalized n-qubit
Werner State
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.00096v1
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2022 21:18:32 GMT
- Title: Quantum Discord and Logarithmic Negativity in the Generalized n-qubit
Werner State
- Authors: M. S. Ramkarthik and Devvrat Tiwari and Pranay Barkataki
- Abstract summary: Quantum Discord is a measure of the total quantum non-local correlations of a quantum system.
We have calculated the Quantum Discord for higher than two qubit mixed state, that is, the generalized n-qubit Werner state with a bipartite split.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Quantum Discord (QD) is a measure of the total quantum non-local correlations
of a quantum system. The formalism of quantum discord has been applied to
various two-qubit mixed states and it has been reported that there is a
non-zero quantum discord even when the states are unentangled. To this end, we
have calculated the Quantum Discord for higher than two qubit mixed state, that
is, the generalized n-qubit Werner state with a bipartite split. We found that
the QD saturates to a straight line with unit slope in the thermodynamic limit.
Qualitative studies of entanglement between the two subsystems using
logarithmic negativity revealed that the entanglement content between them
increases non-uniformly with the number of qubits leading to its saturation. We
have proved the above claims both analytically and numerically.
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