Schedule-Robust Online Continual Learning
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- Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 15:55:06 GMT
- Title: Schedule-Robust Online Continual Learning
- Authors: Ruohan Wang, Marco Ciccone, Giulia Luise, Massimiliano Pontil, Andrew
Yapp, Carlo Ciliberto
- Abstract summary: A continual learning algorithm learns from a non-stationary data stream.
A key challenge in CL is to design methods robust against arbitrary schedules over the same underlying data.
We present a new perspective on CL, as the process of learning a schedule-robust predictor, followed by adapting the predictor using only replay data.
- Score: 45.325658404913945
- License:
- Abstract: A continual learning (CL) algorithm learns from a non-stationary data stream.
The non-stationarity is modeled by some schedule that determines how data is
presented over time. Most current methods make strong assumptions on the
schedule and have unpredictable performance when such requirements are not met.
A key challenge in CL is thus to design methods robust against arbitrary
schedules over the same underlying data, since in real-world scenarios
schedules are often unknown and dynamic. In this work, we introduce the notion
of schedule-robustness for CL and a novel approach satisfying this desirable
property in the challenging online class-incremental setting. We also present a
new perspective on CL, as the process of learning a schedule-robust predictor,
followed by adapting the predictor using only replay data. Empirically, we
demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing methods on CL benchmarks for
image classification by a large margin.
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