論文の概要: Non-Abelian braiding of graph vertices in a superconducting processor
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.10255v2
- Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 22:13:56 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-06-03 01:34:34.380377
- Title: Non-Abelian braiding of graph vertices in a superconducting processor
- Title(参考訳): 超伝導体におけるグラフ頂点の非アベリアブレイディング
- Authors: Trond I. Andersen, Yuri D. Lensky, Kostyantyn Kechedzhi, Ilya Drozdov,
Andreas Bengtsson, Sabrina Hong, Alexis Morvan, Xiao Mi, Alex Opremcak,
Rajeev Acharya, Richard Allen, Markus Ansmann, Frank Arute, Kunal Arya,
Abraham Asfaw, Juan Atalaya, Ryan Babbush, Dave Bacon, Joseph C. Bardin, Gina
Bortoli, Alexandre Bourassa, Jenna Bovaird, Leon Brill, Michael Broughton,
Bob B. Buckley, David A. Buell, Tim Burger, Brian Burkett, Nicholas Bushnell,
Zijun Chen, Ben Chiaro, Desmond Chik, Charina Chou, Josh Cogan, Roberto
Collins, Paul Conner, William Courtney, Alexander L. Crook, Ben Curtin,
Dripto M. Debroy, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Sean Demura, Andrew Dunsworth,
Daniel Eppens, Catherine Erickson, Lara Faoro, Edward Farhi, Reza Fatemi,
Vinicius S. Ferreira, Leslie Flores Burgos, Ebrahim Forati, Austin G. Fowler,
Brooks Foxen, William Giang, Craig Gidney, Dar Gilboa, Marissa Giustina, Raja
Gosula, Alejandro Grajales Dau, Jonathan A. Gross, Steve Habegger, Michael C.
Hamilton, Monica Hansen, Matthew P. Harrigan, Sean D. Harrington, Paula Heu,
Jeremy Hilton, Markus R. Hoffmann, Trent Huang, Ashley Huff, William J.
Huggins, Lev B. Ioffe, Sergei V. Isakov, Justin Iveland, Evan Jeffrey, Zhang
Jiang, Cody Jones, Pavol Juhas, Dvir Kafri, Tanuj Khattar, Mostafa Khezri,
M\'aria Kieferov\'a, Seon Kim, Alexei Kitaev, Paul V. Klimov, Andrey R.
Klots, Alexander N. Korotkov, Fedor Kostritsa, John Mark Kreikebaum, David
Landhuis, Pavel Laptev, Kim-Ming Lau, Lily Laws, Joonho Lee, Kenny Lee, Brian
J. Lester, Alexander Lill, Wayne Liu, Aditya Locharla, Erik Lucero, Fionn D.
Malone, Orion Martin, Jarrod R. McClean, Trevor McCourt, Matt McEwen, Kevin
C. Miao, Amanda Mieszala, Masoud Mohseni, Shirin Montazeri, Emily Mount,
Ramis Movassagh, Wojciech Mruczkiewicz, Ofer Naaman, Matthew Neeley, Charles
Neill, Ani Nersisyan, Michael Newman, Jiun How Ng, Anthony Nguyen, Murray
Nguyen, Murphy Yuezhen Niu, Thomas E. O'Brien, Seun Omonije, Andre Petukhov,
Rebecca Potter, Leonid P. Pryadko, Chris Quintana, Charles Rocque, Nicholas
C. Rubin, Negar Saei, Daniel Sank, Kannan Sankaragomathi, Kevin J. Satzinger,
Henry F. Schurkus, Christopher Schuster, Michael J. Shearn, Aaron Shorter,
Noah Shutty, Vladimir Shvarts, Jindra Skruzny, W. Clarke Smith, Rolando
Somma, George Sterling, Doug Strain, Marco Szalay, Alfredo Torres, Guifre
Vidal, Benjamin Villalonga, Catherine Vollgraff Heidweiller, Theodore White,
Bryan W. K. Woo, Cheng Xing, Z. Jamie Yao, Ping Yeh, Juhwan Yoo, Grayson
Young, Adam Zalcman, Yaxing Zhang, Ningfeng Zhu, Nicholas Zobrist, Hartmut
Neven, Sergio Boixo, Anthony Megrant, Julian Kelly, Yu Chen, Vadim
Smelyanskiy, Eun-Ah Kim, Igor Aleiner, Pedram Roushan
- Abstract要約: 粒子の不識別性は量子力学の基本的な原理である。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 144.97755321680464
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Indistinguishability of particles is a fundamental principle of quantum
mechanics. For all elementary and quasiparticles observed to date - including
fermions, bosons, and Abelian anyons - this principle guarantees that the
braiding of identical particles leaves the system unchanged. However, in two
spatial dimensions, an intriguing possibility exists: braiding of non-Abelian
anyons causes rotations in a space of topologically degenerate wavefunctions.
Hence, it can change the observables of the system without violating the
principle of indistinguishability. Despite the well developed mathematical
description of non-Abelian anyons and numerous theoretical proposals, the
experimental observation of their exchange statistics has remained elusive for
decades. Controllable many-body quantum states generated on quantum processors
offer another path for exploring these fundamental phenomena. While efforts on
conventional solid-state platforms typically involve Hamiltonian dynamics of
quasi-particles, superconducting quantum processors allow for directly
manipulating the many-body wavefunction via unitary gates. Building on
predictions that stabilizer codes can host projective non-Abelian Ising anyons,
we implement a generalized stabilizer code and unitary protocol to create and
braid them. This allows us to experimentally verify the fusion rules of the
anyons and braid them to realize their statistics. We then study the prospect
of employing the anyons for quantum computation and utilize braiding to create
an entangled state of anyons encoding three logical qubits. Our work provides
new insights about non-Abelian braiding and - through the future inclusion of
error correction to achieve topological protection - could open a path toward
fault-tolerant quantum computing.
- Abstract(参考訳): 粒子の不明瞭さは量子力学の基本原理である。
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本研究は, 量子通信や暗号プロトコルの実現に繋がる可能性があり, 情報理論的側面の理解を著しく促進するものである。
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非アベリア・エノン(Non-Abelian anyon)は、物質のトポロジカル位相によってホストされるエキゾチック準粒子励起である。
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