Robust Imitation via Mirror Descent Inverse Reinforcement Learning
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- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 12:25:21 GMT
- Title: Robust Imitation via Mirror Descent Inverse Reinforcement Learning
- Authors: Dong-Sig Han, Hyunseo Kim, Hyundo Lee, Je-Hwan Ryu, Byoung-Tak Zhang
- Abstract summary: This paper proposes to predict a sequence of reward functions, which are iterative solutions for a constrained convex problem.
We prove that the proposed mirror descent update rule ensures robust minimization of a Bregman divergence.
Our IRL method was applied on top of an adversarial framework, and it outperformed existing adversarial methods in an extensive suite of benchmarks.
- Score: 18.941048578572577
- License:
- Abstract: Recently, adversarial imitation learning has shown a scalable reward
acquisition method for inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) problems. However,
estimated reward signals often become uncertain and fail to train a reliable
statistical model since the existing methods tend to solve hard optimization
problems directly. Inspired by a first-order optimization method called mirror
descent, this paper proposes to predict a sequence of reward functions, which
are iterative solutions for a constrained convex problem. IRL solutions derived
by mirror descent are tolerant to the uncertainty incurred by target density
estimation since the amount of reward learning is regulated with respect to
local geometric constraints. We prove that the proposed mirror descent update
rule ensures robust minimization of a Bregman divergence in terms of a rigorous
regret bound of $\mathcal{O}(1/T)$ for step sizes $\{\eta_t\}_{t=1}^{T}$. Our
IRL method was applied on top of an adversarial framework, and it outperformed
existing adversarial methods in an extensive suite of benchmarks.
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